Find here the various types of identifiers for a company
Identifer | Description | Example |
FR_SIREN | The SIREN (Système d’Identification du Répertoire des Entreprises) is the unique 9-digit identifier assigned to businesses in France by INSEE (French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies). | 123456789 |
FR_SIRET | The SIRET (Système d’Identification du Répertoire des Établissements) is the 14-digit identifier for business establishments in France. It consists of a SIREN (9 digits) followed by a NIC (Numéro Interne de Classement, 5 digits). | 12345678900022 |
EU_VAT | The EU VAT (Value Added Tax) Number is the tax identification number assigned to businesses in the European Union for intra-community transactions. | FR12345678901 |
NL_KVK | The KvK-nummer is the unique 8-digit identifier assigned by the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel - KvK). | 87654321 |
NL_KVK_BRANCH | The branch number linked to a business registered in the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KvK). | 876543210001 (8-digit KvK number + 4-digit branch code) |
UK_CRN | The Company Registration Number (CRN) is the unique identifier assigned to companies registered with Companies House in the United Kingdom. | 01234567 |
BE_KBO | The KBO (Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen) or BCE (Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises) is the unique business number in Belgium. | 0123.456.789 |
ES_CIF | The CIF (Código de Identificación Fiscal) was the tax identification number for Spanish companies, now replaced by the NIF (Número de Identificación Fiscal). | B12345678 |
DE_HRN | The Handelsregisternummer (HRN) is the commercial register number assigned by the Handelsregister (Commercial Register) in Germany. | HRB12345 |
LEI | The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is the 20-character alphanumeric identifier used globally to uniquely identify companies participating in financial transactions. | 529900T8BM49AURSDO55 |
CBID | The unique identifier assigned to a company by a central authority for business registration or regulatory purposes. | CBID1234567 |
CHID | A registration number assigned to a company by a national or regional Chamber of Commerce. | CHID8765432 |
CINC | A unique number assigned to a company upon incorporation, typically by a government authority. | CINC9876543 |
COID | A general identifier used to uniquely recognize a company within a financial or regulatory framework. | COID8765432 |
CUST | A unique reference number assigned to a customer, often in banking, payments, or corporate relationships. | CUST0012345678 |
DUNS | The 9-digit identifier issued by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) for businesses worldwide, commonly used for credit and business transactions. | 123456789 |
EMPL | A number assigned to an employer for tax, payroll, or employment-related purposes. | EMPL987654321 |
GS1G | A company identifier assigned by GS1, used for product barcoding, supply chain management, and global trade item identification. | GS1G1234567 |
BDID | A unique identifier assigned to business-related data, often used in financial or regulatory reporting. | BDID7654321 |
BOID | A unique identifier for the beneficial owner of a company or financial account, often used for compliance and anti-money laundering (AML) regulations. | BOID5432167 |