List of HTTP status codes used by the API.

The Qombo VoP API follows standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of API requests. This section outlines the possible error responses, their meanings, and how to handle them effectively.

HTTP status codes

The API returns the following status codes:

Status codeMeaningDescription
200 OKSuccessThe request was successful, and the response contains the expected data.
400 Bad RequestClient ErrorThe request is malformed or missing required parameters.
401 UnauthorizedAuthentication ErrorThe API key is missing, invalid, or has insufficient permissions.
403 ForbiddenAuthorization ErrorThe request is valid, but the server refuses to process it (e.g., IP not whitelisted).
404 Not FoundClient ErrorThe requested resource does not exist.
500 Internal Server ErrorServer ErrorAn unexpected error occurred on the server.

Error response format

When an error occurs, the API returns a JSON response with an error code, message, and additional details (if applicable).

Example Error Response (400 Bad Request)

  "error": "The IBAN field is missing.",
  "details": "Ensure that all required fields are included in the request body."

Example Error Response (401 Unauthorized)

  "error":"Invalid API key.",
  "details": "Ensure you are using a valid API key in the request header."

Common Error Scenarios & Fixes

Error TypePossible CausesHow to Fix
400 Bad RequestMissing or incorrect parametersCheck request body and query parameters.
401 UnauthorizedAPI key is missing or invalidVerify the x-api-key header and ensure the correct key is used.
403 ForbiddenIP not whitelistedEnsure your IP is added to the Qombo whitelist.
404 Not FoundIncorrect endpoint or resource IDCheck the endpoint URL and resource identifier.
500 Server ErrorAPI downtime or internal issueRetry later; if persistent, contact Qombo support.