Discover the Qombo VoP API which implements the scheme defined by the EPC.
Welcome to the Qombo VoP API, which implements the Verification of Payee (VoP) scheme as defined by the European Payments Council (EPC).
The Qombo API provides a RESTful interface for validating payee information in payment transactions, helping prevent fraud and errors. It accepts JSON-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and follows standard HTTP response codes and authentication methods.
You can experiment with the Qombo API using our sandbox environment, which does not affect live data or interact with other PSPs. The API key used for authentication determines whether a request operates in live mode or sandbox mode.
This documentation covers the API endpoints, request/response formats, authentication methods, and error handling processes to ensure seamless integration.
The Verification of Payee (VoP)
The VoP scheme, as defined by the EPC, is a crucial mechanism designed to enhance the security and accuracy of SEPA Credit Transfers (Classic and Instant payments). VoP ensures that the intended recipient of a payment matches the account details provided by the payer. This verification process helps prevent fraud and errors by confirming that the payee's identity is correct before the transaction is completed.
Qombo follows the guidelines provided by the EPC in its documentation, including the VoP Scheme Rulebook, the VoP Inter-PSP API Specifications and the API Security Framework.
This API documentation is based on the currently available information regarding the VoP Scheme as defined by the EPC. Please note that the full specification has not yet been officially delivered by the EPC, for example the specification related to the EDS.
This documentation will be updated as soon as the final specification becomes available.
Requesting API
The Qombo Requesting API enables seamless Verification of Payee requests. Qombo automatically routes requests to the appropriate PSP and returns the response along with additional fraud prevention insights.
Responding API
In the VoP scheme, PSPs must be able to respond to verification requests from other PSPs. The Qombo Responding API offers two implementation options, allowing you to choose the approach that best fits your needs.
Regardless of the option chosen, you only need to provide account holder data, while Qombo handles all the complexities, including authentication, request validation, matching, and responses to requesting PSPs.
The matching algorithm provided by Qombo complies with the EPC’s VoP Scheme Rulebook and recommendations.
Delegate the management and storage of your account holders to our systems. You submit your data at your discretion, and Qombo acts as the responding PSP in the VoP EPC ecosystem.

With this approach, Qombo validates the request, then queries your system for account holder details related to an IBAN.
You must implement an API endpoint to provide this information.
Qombo handles the matching calculations and responds to the requesting PSP.